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The Golf Club Simulator features a “Dynamic Course Retreeing” function that automatically updates any inaccuracies in a golf course’s design, ensuring golfers have trouble-free gameplay every time they play. The service also compensates for inclement weather, like wind and rain, based on real-time data.
“While the Golf Club Simulator has always had an incredibly deep and engaged community of golfers, we’ve recently seen an influx of new golfers who are much better players,” said Supercell Global Managing Director Roland Lekes. “We knew The Golf Club was an incredibly authentic and fun game, but the simulator version 2.9 further pours on the realism and incorporates some of the feedback we’ve been hearing from our players about how accurate and enjoyable the golf experience is.”
The Golf Club Simulator is a golf simulation game that is part of the highly popular The Golf Club series. Over the years, the game has become a fun, yet competitive game to play for anyone who has a golf game on their mobile device.
The Golf Club Simulator now also features a new “Smart G2” accuracy system that lets users focus on their swing, without having to worry about the accuracy of the simulation. The system analyzes a user’s swings and corrects inaccurate shots by letting them practice from where their shots would have landed in the real world.
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