Rayman.Legends.Update.v1.2-RELOADED Version Download
Download File --->>> https://cinurl.com/2t8gXO
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1. Rename the PS3_Game folder of retail disc [BCUS98298] into "NPUA72074",2. Unpack the demo NPUA72074 then copy only the [eboot.bin] from it then paste into folder [USRDIR] in [NPUA72074] renamed in step 1,3. Edit PARAM.SFO of [NPUA72074] and change Category from DG Disc Game (blu-ray) to HG Harddrive Game then Save,4. Delete LICDIR folder in NPUA72074,5. Download only the v1.01 update for BCUS98298,6. Unpack contents of downloaded v1.01 update then move them to a new folder called "BCUS98298",7. For DTU: Transfer NPUA72074 and BCUS98298 folders into CFW PS3 then DTU to OFW PS3. Done.7. For HAN: Move NPUA72074 and BCUS98298 folders into make-backup-pkg directory then open/run [do.bat]. Install on HAN PS3 with [Enable Debug Packages]. Done.For Han: converted with CFW2OFW Helper v13 the game stucks at a black screen. Feel free to try with PS3GameConvert v0.91.
1. Rename the PS3_Game folder of retail disc [BCUS99134] into "NPUA72074",2. Unpack the demo NPUA72074 then copy only the [eboot.bin] from it then paste into folder [USRDIR] in [NPUA72074] renamed in step 1,3. Edit PARAM.SFO of [NPUA72074] and change Category from DG Disc Game (blu-ray) to HG Harddrive Game then Save,4. Delete LICDIR folder in NPUA72074,5. Unpack contents of downloaded v1.01 update then move them to a new folder called "BCUS98298",6. For DTU: Transfer NPUA72074 and BCUS98298 folders into CFW PS3 then DTU to OFW PS3. Done.6. For HAN: Move NPUA72074 and BCUS98298 folders into make-backup-pkg directory then open/run [do.bat]. Install on HAN PS3 with [Enable Debug Packages]. Done.
1. Rename the PS3_Game folder of retail disc [BCES01123] into "NPEA90127",2. Unpack the demo NPEA90127 then copy only the [eboot.bin] from it then paste into folder [USRDIR] in [NPEA90127] renamed in step 1,3. Edit PARAM.SFO of [NPEA90127] and change Category from DG Disc Game (blu-ray) to HG Harddrive Game then Save,4. Delete LICDIR folder in NPEA90127,5. Download only the v1.01 update for BCES01123,6. Unpack contents of downloaded v1.01 update then move them to a new folder called "BCES01123",7. For DTU: Transfer NPEA90127 and BCES01123 folders into CFW PS3 then DTU to OFW PS3. Done.7. For HAN: Move NPEA90127 and BCES01123 folders into make-backup-pkg directory then open/run [do.bat]. Install on HAN PS3 with [Enable Debug Packages]. Done.
1. Rename the PS3_Game folder of retail disc [BCES01888] into "NPEA90127",2. Unpack the demo NPEA90127 then copy only the [eboot.bin] from it then paste into folder [USRDIR] in [NPEA90127] renamed in step 1,3. Edit PARAM.SFO of [NPEA90127] and change Category from DG Disc Game (blu-ray) to HG Harddrive Game then Save,4. Delete LICDIR folder in NPEA90127,5. Unpack contents of downloaded BCES01888 v1.01 update then move them to a new folder called "BCES01888",6a. For DTU: Transfer NPEA90127 and BCES01888 folders into CFW PS3 then DTU to OFW PS3. Done.6b. For HAN: Move NPEA90127 and BCES01888 folders into make-backup-pkg directory then open/run [do.bat]. Install on HAN PS3 with [Enable Debug Packages]. Done.
1. Rename PS3_Game folder to "NPUB30790"2. Decrypt eboot.bin with scetool3. Open eboot.elf with Hex, set it on 16 bit offset and find /dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR, then replace hex values [2F 64 65 76 5F 62 64 76 64 2F 50 53 33 5F 47 41 4D 45 2F 55 53 52 44 49 52 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00] with [2F 64 65 76 5F 68 64 64 30 2F 67 61 6D 65 2F 4E 50 55 42 33 30 37 39 30 2F 55 53 52 44 49 52 00 01] and save4. Move the modified eboot.elf to scetool folder, open CMD and type:scetool.exe --verbose --sce-type=SELF --compress-data=TRUE --skip-sections=FALSE --key-revision=04 --self-auth-id=1010000001000003 --self-vendor-id=01000002 --self-type=NPDRM --self-app-version=0001000000000000 --self-fw-version=0003004000000000 --self-add-shdrs=TRUE --np-license-type FREE --self-ctrl-flags=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --self-cap-flags=00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003B0000000100040000 --np-app-type=EXEC --np-content-id=UP0105-NPUB30790_00-BLEACHSOULRESURR --np-klicensee=72F990788F9CFF745725F08E4C128387 --np-real-fname=EBOOT.BIN --np-add-sig=FALSE --encrypt EBOOT.ELF EBOOT.BIN5. Copy the new eboot.bin into NPUB30970 folder6. Edit PARAM.SFO and change Category from DG (Disc Game) to HG (Harddrive Game) then save7. Pack into PKG with any PKG converter as long as it doesn't resign the eboot into 4.XXSo far the game works perfectly.
If you get black screen and console freeze during game startup on HEN/HAN try this method:1. Before converting, move the original files of "PS3_GAME\USRDIR" (except EBOOT.BIN, default.self, and default_mp.self) to a temp folder outside the PS3_GAME folder.2. Convert the game using CFW2OFW v1.13 ("PS3_GAME\USRDIR" should contain EBOOT.BIN, default.self, and default_mp.self files only).3. After the conversion, move the original files (the ones inside the temp folder you made in step 1) to the converted folder "BLES00687\USRDIR". (resulting NPEB00687 folder should be small, around 19-20MB in size and BLES00684 should be around 7.15GB)4. Make the packages with Make-Backup-PKG, game package will be small (19-20MB) while patch will be the biggest one (7.15GB)
For CFW2OFW on HAN you've got to do:1. From your original folder BLUS30838 you've to go to USRDIR and move all files execpt EBOOT.BIN, default.self, and default_mp.self to a temp folder ouside of BLUS folder, name it whatever you like, so just have in USRDIR the EBOOT.BIN, default.self, and default_mp.self files.2. Use the CFW2OFW helper v11 as usual with the PS3_GAME folder, so at the end you have 2 folders BLUS and NPUB.3. Now from the backup temp folder created in step 1, move all files to de USRDIR in the new BLUS folder that was created after CFW2OFW helper.4.-Copy from that new USRDIR the EBOOT.BIN, default.self, and default_mp.self files, that are now the updated versions, to the USRDIR inside of NPUB, so so overwrite the ones in there.5.-Proced to make de pkg files with makepkg and install as usual, at the end of all you've got GAME.pkg size like 19mb, PATCH size 8.10gb and the LIC.pkg
Use EBOOT from BLJM60215 update. Use NPJB60215 as conversion directory. If using CFW2OFW tool:1. Change TitleID in PARAM.SFO to BLJM60215 and create new LIC.DAT before conversion. 2. Install game data before DTU Creates "/game/BLJM60215DATA/" directory.Buttons will be in Japanese format (X/O swapped) and some text will also be in Japanese (mostly English) because of EBOOT.NOTE: With the new Injection method, I've found no use adding BLJM60215DATA to the backup injection. It actually broke my game.
1. Rename PS3_Game folder to "NPUB30970"2. Decrypt EBOOT.BIN, DBZ1.BIN and DBZ3.BIN with scetool3. Open EBOOT.ELF with Hex, set it on 16 bit offset and find /dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR, then replace hex values [2F 64 65 76 5F 62 64 76 64 2F 50 53 33 5F 47 41 4D 45 2F 55 53 52 44 49 52 2F 4C 41 55 4E 43 48 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2F 43 41 43 48 45 2E 4C 53 54] with [2F 64 65 76 5F 68 64 64 30 2F 67 61 6D 65 2F 4E 50 55 42 33 30 39 37 30 2F 55 53 52 44 49 52 2F 4C 41 55 4E 43 48 00 00 2F 43 41 43 48 45 2E 4C 53 54] and save4. Open DBZ1.ELF with Hex, set it on 16 bit offset and find /dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR, then replace hex values [2F 64 65 76 5F 62 64 76 64 2F 50 53 33 5F 47 41 4D 45 2F 55 53 52 44 49 52 2F 44 42 5A 31 00 00 2F 55 53 52 2F 43 41 43 48 45 2E 4C 53 54 00 00 49 6E 69 74 69 61 6C 69 7A 65 20 54 68 72 65 61 64 00 00 00 41 50 20 42 47 20 44 52 41 57 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 50 20 42 47 20 54 52 41 4E 53 20 44 52 41 57 00 00] with [2F 64 65 76 5F 68 64 64 30 2F 67 61 6D 65 2F 4E 50 55 42 33 30 39 37 30 2F 55 53 52 44 49 52 2F 44 42 5A 31 00 00 2F 55 53 52 2F 43 41 43 48 45 2E 4C 53 54 00 00 49 6E 69 74 69 61 6C 69 7A 65 20 54 68 72 65 61 64 00 00 00 41 50 20 42 47 20 44 52 41 57 00 00 41 50 20 42 47 20 54 52 41 4E 53 20 44 52 41 57] and save5. Open DBZ3.ELF with Hex, set it on 16 bit offset and find /dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR, then replace hex values [2F 64 65 76 5F 62 64 76 64 2F 50 53 33 5F 47 41 4D 45 2F 55 53 52 44 49 52 2F 44 42 5A 33 00 00 2F 43 41 43 48 45 2E 4C 53 54 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 00] with [2F 64 65 76 5F 68 64 64 30 2F 67 61 6D 65 2F 4E 50 55 42 33 30 39 37 30 2F 55 53 52 44 49 52 2F 44 42 5A 33 00 00 2F 43 41 43 48 45 2E 4C 53 54 00 0A] and save6. Move the modified files to scetool folder, open CMD and typeFor EBOOT.ELF:scetool.exe --verbose --sce-type=SELF --compress-data=FALSE --skip-sections=FALSE --key-revision=04 --self-auth-id=1010000001000003 --self-vendor-id=01000002 --self-type=NPDRM --self-app-version=0001000000000000 --self-fw-version=0003004000000000 --self-add-shdrs=TRUE --np-license-type FREE --self-ctrl-flags=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --self-cap-flags=00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003B0000000100040000 --np-app-type=EXEC --np-content-id=UP0105-NPUB30970_00-DRAGONBALLBUDHDC --np-klicensee=72F990788F9CFF745725F08E4C128387 --np-real-fname=EBOOT.BIN --np-add-sig=FALSE --encrypt EBOOT.ELF EBOOT.BINFor DBZ1.ELF and DBZ3.ELF (you must rename them to EBOOT.BIN and rename them to their original names after the conversion):scetool.exe --verbose --sce-type=SELF --skip-sections=FALSE --self-add-shdrs=TRUE --compress-data=FALSE --key-revision=04 --self-app-version=0001000000000000 --self-auth-id=1010000001000003 --self-vendor-id=01000002 --self-ctrl-flags=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --self-cap-flags=00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003B0000000100040000 --self-type=APP --self-fw-version=0003004000000000 --encrypt EBOOT.ELF EBOOT.BIN7. Copy the new .BIN files into NPUB30970 folder8. Edit PARAM.SFO and change Category from DG (Disc Game) to HG (Harddrive Game) then save9. Pack into PKG with any PKG converter as long as it doesn't resign the eboot into 4.XXSo far the game works perfectly. 2b1af7f3a8